Nivel de dificultad 2
  • 2
  • 1 días


Enjoy a canyoning adventure in Cáceres with diving and jumping over pools of crystal clear water in the Barranco de la Hoz. The throat of the Hoz is born from the union of several streams, some of them are born near the 2000 meters, the brook Lucia and del Gargantón.

It includes a very important and wide basin that contributes to the throat of Minchones. It is a gorge that runs through a very boxed area following a very deep fracture that together with the action of water have carved one of the most spectacular gorges of the Sierra de Gredos. 

All the gorges flow into the Tietar River, which in turn is a tributary of the Tagus. Having south orientation makes the season longer by having more sun and along with the aquatic character of the ravines make their great attraction the season can go from April to October, November depending on the rains and cold.


Ravine level 2

La aproximación la hacemos por el margen derecho de la garganta con una duración como máxima de 1 hora.

Comenzamos realizando varios des trepes sencillos y algunos saltillos sobre las pozas de agua cristalinas.

A medida que vamos bajando se va encajonando la garganta y nos encontramos una poza con la opción de un tobogán de 6 metros o un salto.

Unos 100 metros con algunos destrepes, y llegamos al charco mas impresionante el Charco del Infierno con verticales de granito de mas de 30 metros, el cual se puede rapelar 15 metros o saltar de unos 12metros. Continuamos el descenso y llegamos a un rapel de 10 metros con una poza muy profunda posibilidad de salto.

Un rapel obligado de 5 metros, y luego otro de 4 metros

Para llegar al último de 8 metros, que la parte final es volada, porque es una piedra empotrada. A partir de aquí el barranco empieza poco a poco a abrirse pero no perdiendo nada de encanto, con sucesivos saltitos y pozas paradisíacas, hasta llegar a la última poza llamada Recuencano, que tiene un tobogán de 7 metros, y un salto de 5 metros y otro de 10 en los cuales termina el descenso y podemos repetir cuanto queramos.

En 45 min como mucho estamos en el coche.

Precio: 50€ (socios 45€) 


El grupo está compuesto por un mínimo de 6 participantes y por un máximo de 12.

El ratio  siempre será de 1 guía /6 participantes.

Precios especiales para grupos a partir de 7 personas.

En caso de no llegarse al grupo mínimo se cancelaría la actividad, habiendo posibilidad de pagar un suplemento por grupo pequeño de 20 € para grupo de 5 personas y 50 € para grupo de 3-4 personas. Este suplemento está supeditado a que todos los participantes acepten el pago del mismo.


  1. Guía titulado en descenso de barrancos
  2. Traje completo de neopreno
  3. Casco

No Incluye

  1. Transporte
  2. Comidas ni bebidas

Tabei reserves the right to cancel an activity for reasons of force majeure or cases of imminent danger due to weather conditions. The same right is reserved in the event that there is not enough demand to create a group. In both cases, the client may develop another activity with similar characteristics to the one contracted.

If the activity is canceled for meteorological reasons the same day of its celebration, the customers will be entitled to another activity on a different day with similar characteristics to the one contracted.

Tabei Adventure reserves the right to cancel the activity for those customers who do not have the necessary capacity to face certain activities or for their dangerous or violent behavior. In the first case, an activity according to its capacity would be sought and in the second and third, the activity would be suspended without the client having the right to return the cost of the activity.

If they subtract more than three weeks for the development of the activity and it was canceled by the client, the latter will be entitled to the refund of 100% of the cost of the activity.

If the cancellation is made with less than three weeks and more than 4 days, you will only be entitled to a refund of 90% of the cost of the activity.

If the cancellation is made with less than 4 days and more than 2 days, you will only be entitled to a refund of 20% of the cost of the activity.

If the activity is canceled by the client 2 or less days before its start or during the development of the same, it will not be entitled to any refund.

If the activity is canceled by the client during the development of the activity, he will not be entitled to any refund.

Any cancellation and subsequent return will cost € 5 for management expenses.

See more in activities general conditions.

  1. Swimsuit
  2. Boots or sneakers for the ravine (no flip flops). This material will get wet so it is advisable to leave spare shoes in the car
  3. Water (minimum 1L) something to nibble, sunscreen and lip balm.

It is very important to wear shoes that have a good sole, and to hold the ankle in a compact way, the slips are common, the progression is made on irregular and wet surfaces, which generate losses of balance.